Would you like you like to book Gabriel for a festival, gig, opening, ...?

Wilt U Gabriel Scar graag boeken voor een festival, feest, opening,...

You can book GABRIEL SCAR through the following booking agencies:

- CP-Music (Wechelderzande, Belgium):  http://cp-music.be/home/activities
- Book A Band (Nieuwrode, Belgium):  http://www.bookaband.be/artists/gabriel-scar/
- DBM Media & Artist Agency: artiesten.dbm@gmail.com or +31 485 683 709

Certainly get in contact then:

- CP-Music:  info@cp-music.be of +32 (0)497/48.49.11
- Book A Band:  info@bookaband.be of +32 (0)495/92.22.42

Info that they need for a booking:
- Mention that you want to book Gabriel Scar
- Name of the organisation and contact person
- Contact information
- Place
- Date
- Time
- How long do you want us to perform
- Info about the performance (like TV, radio, benefit show, concert, festival, etc.  And all the extra info you can give us)

For information about the band:  gunti@scarlet.be or +32 (0)478/96.74.74.